Missing You...

You have met me before

Once upon our dreams

Everything was perfect

But nothing is what it seems

I pass you in the halls

And yet you never seem to care

I see you everyday

And you don't return my stare

Eyes are the window of the soul

Why is it that you can never see me?

My eyes are locked on you, my heart is yours

Because you hold the key

My empty heart yearns

For what I have never had

Two strong arms protecting me

Because I am so very sad

I wish I could talk to you

But when I begin to speak

I never have the courage

Because my heart is very weak

My tears will never cease

Because I know that you will never care

Who I am or what I do

This kind of love is rare

This is a one way street

A street which I can never cross

I can see you on the other side

But my heart is at a loss

You are like a drug

I have an addiction

I say to myself that I will quit you

But that is a contradiction

My dreams are as clear

As a blue summer sky

You and I are hand in hand

I cannot let this fantasy pass me by

All I want is to talk to you

For you to return my smile

It will make such a difference

It will be worth your while

We may come from different places

But in my heart I know we are the same

There are so many obstacles --

You don't even know my name......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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