The Promise of Winter

The snow descends from the sky,
dancing to a melody only the flakes can hear।
It enters the atmosphereand chimes through my heart।
The blanket of white fleecy powder,
muffles the sound of traffic and the song of bird।
The only sound I hear is the sound of a child's laughter,
echoeing through the brisk air,
bouncing off the trees and sailing through its spacious surroundings।
The new fallen snow, It deceives the eye,
the sky and the ground are no longer disconnected.
They become one, unified.
I can no longer distinguish where the sky begins and the terrain of the earth ends.
An inspiring canvas of a glorious winter painting.
The flakes of snow catch the light from the moon and throw it back,
like the sparkle of a new polished diamond.
Fascinating to the eye.
Majestic and delightful, is the first fallen snow.
The snow then delivers anticipation for the holidays approach.
The festivities of the season begins.
Open hearts, Joyous minds.
A temporary patch for animosity.
Before long the sentiment of the season flickers out,
as does the glisten of holiday lights.
The newborn sparkle of snow, now tarnished, tainted with environmental smut.
Gritty soiled and unclean, It no longer shimmers in the moonlight and sparkles in my eye.
Exaustion, gloom, and depression ensue.
All enthusiasm, dissolved.
Will this numbing winter annoyance ever come to a halt?
Belatedly, after its extended hibernation, just when all optimism seems lost,
the glory of the sun presents itself.
Its luminescent glow is abundant with energy and remarkably radiant.
A stir for the settled pot of life,
a lift for the stagnant soul.
The birds fly to a melody we can all hear.
The sound of a child's laughter whispers over the scent of lavenders and dances through the newborn buds of the trees.
Once again we spring into rejuvination.
This is the promise of winter.
~~~~~by Lisa Pumilio~~~~~

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